The Bleaker Sex Indeed

The op-eds in Sunday’s New York Times drew some conclusions that, as a woman overall, left me quite unsettled.

An article entitled “The Bleaker Sex,” written by Frank Bruni, analyzes the upcoming HBO series “Girls” and compares it to the modern woman’s failed attempt to maintain a Don Draper-esque sex life: all pleasure, all detachment. In the sex scene he highlights, he notes the female “hero” is portrayed as having no say in her sexual encounter, choosing to accommodate her partner at her expense rather than striving for mutual satisfaction.

Furthermore, he posits that the 24-hour porn cycle has raised the expectations of men that mere mortal women are unable to fulfill and has pushed the idea that women are to remain silent partners when it comes to sex. I would imagine that this idea would spill over into other aspects of life as well.

I have to admit that Bruni has a point. I have to agree that pornography has had a major effect on how people are becoming less able to separate these sexual fantasies from reality thus contributing to the sexual devolution of society, which is a huge disservice to everyone, but for sure affects women negatively.  What I don’t agree with is the implication that men are more capable than women in having casual sexual encounters and that casual sexual encounters have become the ideal. Just as I believe women are more than capable of sexual detachment, I also believe that men are not immune from the attachment sexual contact can bring.

What do you think? Is sexual detachment becoming the “new normal”?



Siri is Pro-Life

Yes, you read that correctly.

According to an article on Gizmodo, when you ask the iPhone 4S’ virtual assistant the location of the nearest abortion clinic, she will either play dumb or deter the request by pointing one out quite far from your current location. Apparently, she also has a personal vendetta against next-day contraception.

Nice going, Apple. Click here to watch Stephen Colbert's hilarious commentary. Photo from

Click here to read the Gizmodo article.

Frivolous Fridays: (Im)Perfect Patti

From her sexist rhetoric on The Millionaire Matchmaker to her homophobic and racist comments (against her own people, no less) Patti Stanger has been a real winner lately, hasn’t she?

I could go off on a rant, but Jezebel did such a good job already.

You’re welcome-and, see you next week with new content (for real, this time).

Click here to read the article (photo via Jezebel)

Frivolous Fridays: How to Insert a Tampon, as told by Larry David

Kudos to Larry David for the latest episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” in which he instructs a girl scout on how to use a tampon (through the bathroom door, of course). Finally, a show that used the word “vagina” and talks about tampons in a (semi) serious, non-ironic manner. Nicely done!

Click here to watch the clip and read the story on had even more praise for this and other episodes, which you can read by clicking here.

Boycott the Bunnies

Image taken from Posterworx

Gloria Steinem has sent out the call, ladies.

One of Steinem’s many claims to fame is the 1963 exposé on the poor conditions of the Playboy Club, in which she wrote a piece that blew one hell of a whistle on the less-than-glamorous working conditions. Now that NBC is about to bring the club to the small screen, Steinem is calling for a boycott of the upcoming series.

Gloria Steinem speaking during a conference at the Santa Fe Convention Center (via Flickr)

According to a report on Yahoo! News, Steinem calls for the boycott not due the inevitable sexually charged content, but because the show will most likely be a grossly inaccurate portrayal of Playboy’s 1960s heyday.

It normalizes a passive dominant idea of gender. So it normalizes prostitution and male dominance…I just know that over the years, women have called me and told me horror stories of what they experienced at the Playboy Club and at the Playboy Mansion.

The Playboy Club premieres in September. Will you be watching?

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